The CoLibrì System is the fastest and most innovative book covering system in the world.

    Consisting of a book covering machine and clear polyethylene book covers, with the CoLibrì System you can protect both paperback and hardcover books of any size in just 30 seconds!

    CoLibrì machines sense, check, lower, weld, trim, and rise again with the simple touch of a button. Our soft covers protect books from moisture, scratches, dust and the normal wear and tear for years.

  • The CoLibri system offers the highest quality to librarians. Book covers are resistant, transparent, non-adhesive and long lasting.

    Premium covers for your books!

  • CoLibri System is perfect for libraries, where a large number of books need to be protected often.

    Over 2300 libraries use Colibri!

  • 3.7 million+ books protected!

  • Using the CoLibri system saves librarians time. Instead of spending 5 minutes to cover each book, it only takes 30 seconds to cover any book.

    Cover most books in just 30 seconds!

  • Huge reduction in repurchase costs!

  • Durable, non-toxic, and 100% recyclable, Colibrì ECO covers are the first book covers in the world to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    Learn more